Sunday, December 13, 2009


I was planning on doing a more obscure post again but my girlfriend is blasting out RIDE's nowhere at full volume right now so I couldn't resist. Sometimes, most times really, I'd pick this over 'loveless' as the ultimate shoegaze record. Like millions of confused kids before me I heard 'vapour trail' and was sold instantly. Hearing it today still takes me back to a time when going out meant staying in and watch mtv till 4am. When I first saw that video half asleep and half dead a term like dream pop actually made sense. Makes me want to hug lonely people when I'm alone. In a scene that celebrates itself and EP's only RIDE managed to release an LP that's actually considered worthwhile even though the EP's are, naturally, better*. Nowhere is highlight after highlight. Perfect mixtape material. 'Dreams burn down' is insane. It crushes your skull just to stuff it with happy thoughts. So heavy and yet so much comfort comes from it. Maybe that's the main thing I'm missing from MBV records, the whole soothing bit I need from all music in general. Anywho, since I consider this to be a staple that belongs in everyone's record collection and since it's still very much available I won't be uploading this baby but I suggest you to pick this one up. Big ass chains like Saturn and Fnac are selling it for real cheap these days.


*I don't have the time nor the money nor the knowledge to track down every praised shoegaze single out there so instead I spend my cash on discount-priced compact discs that are considered lackluster. It's a way of life.


Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

Eerste 2 ep's nog te verkrijgen op 1 cd getiteld 'Smile'. Al de rest ervan ook nog relatief gemakkelijk te verkrijgen/bestellen.

Met Nowhere zit je echter meer dan goed.