Sunday, December 6, 2009


Bands are just bands and music's just music but every once in a while a song comes forth and tears itself from all conventions and definitions and whatnots to become as timeless as the sun and the moon and most things inbetween. The kind of song that lets star crossed lovers relief in a sea of fuzzy harmonies, swirling on forevermore. DROP NINETEENS did something what most of their UK peers couldn't. They distilled beauty from the endless yet shortlived reverb we call shoegaze and even though I'm a sucker for endless yet shortlived reverb myself there's actually very few songs, let alone bands, left to remind us of how great this could've been (bar the usual suspects that is). Since I'm a sucker for themes as well I'll try and dig up some other gems from the era in the upcoming weeks just so I could dub this shoegazing month at the W&S HQ's. But in addition to the previously mentioned reason of quantity over quality I'm also a very lazy person. Fucked from the outset. Just like this band.

Even though the LP doesn't live up to winona's promise and meets the required endless reverb standard instead I've uploaded it anyway. RIP extrazone.


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