Sunday, May 3, 2009


Legend goes that is the first full length ever on VAGRANT records so you’d except this to be a staple in the record collection of anyone who has a slightly emo-tinged taste in music but for some reason it really isn’t all that talked about. This came out hot on the heels of JERSEY’S BEST DANCERS and it damn well shows. From the semi-awkward song titles to the undecipherable semi-clean vocals with semi-ironic into semi-emotional lyrics this is about as identical a LIFETIME rip off can get. But respect where respect is due, BOXER is very enthusiastic in their presentation of Yemin leftovers and they pull it off fairly well. Definitely well enough for me to listen to this on a semi-regular basis. I remember buying a really cheap copy in a FREE RECORD SHOP of all places but I sold that one because I was under the assumption that I’d bought an album by that shitty band that probably took their name from this record. When I started my whole VAGRANT/LIFETIME worshipping thingy I realized I’d let go of a pretty cool gem but I’m very persistent and I managed to come across another copy somewhere on a flea market in Bruges. It was like one euro or something and I remember scoring the DMD ep as well. Bargains rule. Anyways, you won’t really find this that often and I’m pretty sure it’s out of print but it’s up for grabs here. Worth the twenty-something megabytes/minutes if you dig this type of stuff. Also, if you’re into random nerdy info I should mention that this was produced by Trever Keith aka one of the coolest guys in punk rock ever. People that could possibly dig this are the same people I would possibly hang out with.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

supercoole shit